Retesting Requirements JobSaver Micro business Covid Grant

Sighting integrity issues, the NSW Government has introduced retesting requirements for businesses to continue to avail JobSaver and Micro-business Grant payments.

At a Glance 

  1. Yes, all applicants of Jobsaver and Micro-business Grant will need to retest, if they wish to continue to get paid post these dates;
  2. Yes, all Jobsaver and Micro-business Grant payments will be made by Service NSW for the month of September even if the businesses do not complete the retesting requirement for this month. However, payments beyond September will stop till the testing requirements are completed for the fortnights stated at 1 above, and beyond.
  3. Yes, the retesting will be lodged on Service NSW website (the same place you had lodged your application), and it is as easy as ticking a few boxes. However businesses will need to ensure they have the required workings on file confirming their continuity of eligibility before they do this retesting.
  4. No, there is no cut-off date to complete this retesting lodgement. Businesses can choose to do a number of fortnight retesting together, or may choose to not complete the retesting for a few fortnights before they go back and complete them. You will be paid within 5 days from completing your retesting lodgement. This could help businesses in minimising costs and streamlining processes.
  5. Yes, if your business is not trading at all, you do not need to do any calculations. You only need to complete the lodgement on Service NSW website. However if you are trading, even if it is limited, you will need to do the calculations before you complete retesting lodgement.
  6. Yes, you may fail to meet the required drop in turnover in one fortnight and pass in the next. In essence businesses will drop in and drop out of the program depending on each fortnight's eligibility.
  7. Yes, businesses have multiple options to choose from, in re-testing their turnover drop (as explained in details below). However, once an option is chosen, you will need to continue to use this option for remaining fortnights. You cannot choose a different option each fortnight.
  8. Yes, all businesses will need to continue to maintain their employee headcount to be eligible for ongoing payments.
  9. Yes, the decline in turnover must be due to effect of lockdown.
  10. No, you do not need your accountant to prepare a letter of confirmation. You may seek help from your accountant to ensure your calculations are accurate and you are compliant, before you complete your retesting.

Testing your current decline in turnover (for each relevant fortnight)

Those who had originally tested drop in turnover
comparing it with the turnover from 12-25 June 2021 

Steps :

1. Calculate your current fortnight turnover (excluding GST) (for example, the first fortnight to be tested for JobSaver would be 13 September to 26 September 2021) .

2. Compare the drop in turnover with the turnover calculated originally for 12 June 2021 to 25 June 2021.

3. If the drop in turnover is 30% or more, complete the online declaration confirming your eligibility to receive payment of the relevant fortnight (in this example fortnight 13 September to 26 September).

4. If the drop in turnover is less than 30%, complete the online declaration confirming your ineligibility, so you can then proceed to next fortnight's declaration. 

Those who had originally tested drop in turnover
comparing it with turnover of corresponding period in 2019 or 2020

Steps - Option 1 (rolling comparison period) :

1. Calculate your current fortnight turnover (excluding GST) (for example, the first fortnight to be tested for JobSaver would be 13 September to 26 September 2021).

2. Check what year was used for comparison in original application (say it was 2019).

3. Compare the drop in turnover with the corresponding turnover of the original application year (in this example, compare your current turnover with turnover of 13 September to 26 September of 2019).

4.   If the drop in turnover is 30% or more, complete the online declaration confirming your eligibility to receive payment of the relevant fortnight (in this example fortnight 13 September to 26 September)

5.  If the drop in turnover is less than 30%, complete the online declaration confirming your ineligibility, so you can then proceed to next fortnight's declaration. 

Steps - Option 2 (static comparison period) :

1. Calculate your current fortnight turnover (excluding GST) (for example, the first fortnight to be tested for JobSaver would be 13 September to 26 September 2021).

2.  Compare the drop in turnover with the turnover calculated originally in your initial application (of 2019 or 2020 as was originally chosen).

3.  If the drop in turnover is 30% or more, complete the online declaration confirming your eligibility to receive payment of the relevant fortnight (in this example fortnight 13 September to 26 September)   

4. If the drop in turnover is less than 30%, complete the online declaration confirming your ineligibility, so you can then proceed to next fortnight's declaration.                             

You can choose either Option 1 or Option 2 for the first retesting period. Once chosen, the same option will need to be chosen for all future retesting periods.

Further details and helpful examples can be sourced from The Tax Institute's publication here.  Please contact us should require any assistance. ease

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